Friday, January 17, 2014

The dirty passion of a girly girl...

I'm a girly girl.

No, really...I am.
(My father didn't refer to me as "Miss America" for nothing.)

I love owning nearly fifty pairs of black shoes and pretty undies that I wear just for me.

I keep my well tailored clothes organized by color in my closet,

I apply makeup and perfume seductively; the way a French woman does.

 I intend to look the part when I walk out the door in my high heels...

 I adore cleaning dirt out from under my nails,

This girly girl absolutely loves putting her hands in DIRT.

The feel of the coolness of the ground, 
The sandy loaminess sifting through my fingers,
The unmistakeable scent of the earth,

These are intoxicating when your passion is soil.

I came by it honestly by following my tiny Sicilian grandfather around the garden when he'd spend hours with his hoe digging up weeds.
(...and possibly because he had a bag of chocolate kisses in his pocket?)  

Today, is the first day I am sowing seeds in my winter sown containers for outdoor germination.

Even though the soil will be from a bag, I am just as thrilled...
 because it is still dirt.

I don't blame seeds for wanting to stretch their roots deep into this beautiful mess.

and, I'm not alone in this passion...

“How can I stand on the ground every day and not feel its power? How can I live my life stepping on this stuff and not wonder at it?” ~ Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth by William Bryant Logan you know mine...
What's your dirty little secret passion?