Sunday, August 11, 2013

Supersized peppers and the chemically induced mindset...

"These banana peppers seem so small compared to the huge ones I usually buy."

Ever hear those words at the farmer's market?

I did...yesterday.

A simple statement that brings up a nasty topic...
SUPERSIZED vegetables are NOT bigger and better!

People have forgotten what food used to look like before "miracle growth solutions" artificially pumped and plumped up our fruit and vegetables.  

For instance...remember the small sweet strawberries from your youth?  Those they were naturally grown in dirt with some manure, the rain and sunshine.  Strawberries are now tasteless, freakishly mega-sized and chemically induced.  

Hello...have we forgotten? Peppers are not naturally grown to the size of footballs.  There are consequences to tampering with Mother Nature.  Unfortunately, even farmers get sucked into this unnatural freak show, somehow believing that they need to grow vegetables that are the size of Shrek.  I'll never understand this, because as a farmer, I only want to grow food that is good for you... and not cause a mutated strain of cells in your kids.

I'm totally serious here, folks.
The real damage this is doing is fooling the public to think that these are better to buy.
(Just like my market goer's opinion. And she told me she was trying to get serious about buying healthy food for her kids.)  The complete opposite is true.  You are opening the door for major health disasters if you believe this, too.  

(Whoever did the marketing on this one is a genius.)
Ill leave you with two thoughts,

1.  Karma is a "b*tch", 


2. You can't fool Mother Nature.

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