Tuesday, August 13, 2013


"C H A N G E....to transform, to cause to be different, to give a completely different form or appearance to."

I.  Love.  It.

I do!
...and I always will.

I change my home, I change my gardens, I change my music and I change my mind.
I don't have a problem moving on.

I get it if you can't relate.  (Believe me when I say that...I gave birth to a son that hates it.
It has much to do with his astrological sign, I think.  He fits the characteristics of a Taurus to a tee.)

I, on the other hand, am an Aquarius.
I say, "Bring it on!
No judgment, just jump in with me with all ya got!"

Seriously, I had a hard time dealing with my children's temperaments until I read their astrological signs.  Now, I understand who they are a little bit better.  You may not "believe" in that stuff...
that's ok because that really isn't my focus here anyway!

This is all about change and looking at things a bit differently, not being afraid to try something bold, daring and maybe a little crazy...but in a good way.

I have some excellent examples of "befores and afters" to show you.  Sort of an extreme mini-makeover post for those that love to look at pictures.  I have said it before...I am a visual learner.  
I get inspired by seeing

These things make me happy!
...so, here you go!

Fireplace Makeover...before was nice, but after was stunning!
Chair Makeover...before was blah but after was ooh-la-la!

Table and Chairs Makeover...before was brown, brown, brown, brown, brown (I can't even find the boring brown picture), after was so very fresh and country french!

And lastly, a heart warming before and after of my little darlings...who are not so little any more.
Nothing kept them inside...even the rain.  This picture makes me laugh...;?)
Still fun and Fabulous!

Go make some change happen in your world...

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