Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sicilian Easter memories...and a few others

Has your Sicilian nanu ever piled 12 kids in his Edsel to drive to the Taste-Freeze on Easter Sunday afternoon?

Have your Sicilian grandparents ever bought cases and cases of 7-Up available around the clock for your enjoyment so you would never go thirsty?

Has your Sicilian nana made pan after pan of unbelievably delicious and mouthwatering homemade pizza out of a box of hot roll mix?

Have you ever had an Easter biscotti cookie, made just for you, large enough to hold an egg and last you for months as you scrape away at it with your baby teeth?

These are just a few of the wonderful memories I cherish about having two tiny Sicilians as my grandparents.  

They may have been teeny tiny but everything they did made a large impact on our family, especially at holiday time.

...I remember the turn signals in that Edsel...loud, melodic and clear as a bell over 12 screaming for joy kids.

...I remember the bubbles of the 7-Up as they burned through my nasal passages.

...I remember fighting over the last piece of pizza as it fell on the floor.

...I remember eating the egg of that biscotti cookie even though the white part was a creepy greenish-gray.

So it wasn't perfect.  So it wasn't classy.  So it wasn't safe.

We survived and more importantly...

So, go make some imperfect, unclassy, unsafe memories with your family,
 and go have a very Happy Easter!

Suzanne @Le Farm

1 comment:

  1. Love it Suzanne, thank you and have a Happy Easter you too!
