Friday, December 20, 2013

The scrupulous joy of lists...

...L I S T S...

Today I am struck by the continuity of it know, life in general becomes life in particular. There's an unmistakeable pattern that seems more evident at this time of the year than any other. It's everywhere I look...that "saucy minx" Mother Nature is getting a face lift again and I'm completely jealous. 

To keep in check, I'm a list maker. I like to know what's next to tackle or sometimes just to remind myself of where I've been; an itinerary of progress. If you're a list maker, then you are jumping for joy in complete and utter anal comprehension.  If not, then you'll just think it's an enormous waste of time... and you'll never get it. Don't even try. 
(No worries, we list makers can accept that about you.)

"Why tally an inventory of your life?", you may ask.

I need to.
That's why.
It keeps me sane.
Sanity on a farm is hard to come by...

And don't forget, every New Year's resolution starts in the form of a list, first in your mind, then if you're really serious, you write it down somewhere to remind yourself that you made it (then you forget where you put the thing you vowed so earnestly to keep alive). 
The big man himself is doing it, too...and checking his...twice!

During this Holiday season, why not make a list of all the things you are grateful to have or be a part of.  Think about where you are, and where you want to take your life in 2014.  Make a difference in yourself and your little big world.
Ash Ambrige, from The Middle Finger Project, says, "Don't be nonchalant about the quality of your life."

That little statement has a profound affect on my soul and is going at the top of my very first list for 2014...

Joyeux Noël mes amis...paix à vous en 2014.

Suzanne @ Le Farm

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