Sunday, November 17, 2013

Update on "Just say NO to wheat"...

It has been about 2 months...57 days to be exact, since a morsel, crumb or mouth-watering smell of wheat in all its delicious forms has entered my body.

Let's spell it out:

1. Inconvenience

Wheat related products are quick, easy and available for consumption 
everywhere you go.  I could easily pack a sandwich or get one on the go, 
grab a bad of pretzels or have a zillion types of crackers with my cheese in a little minute.

Surprise! That has all changed.  

Now I pack yogurt, 3 apples, cut cucumbers, individually wrapped cheese wedges, 
peeled carrots and a bag of some kind of nuts.  
Preparation and careful thought about my choices takes longer.
I've even figured out how to cook a "to-go" cup of oatmeal and blueberries for the road.
Peanut butter now goes on an apple slice or celery stick.  
Gone are the days of a really good PB & J.

2.  More cooking and utensils to wash

I am now forced to cook...because many prepackaged items have wheat 
or wheat-like gluten. 
(And I don't believe in microwaves!)

It also seems that I'm washing more spoons than I have since I was a toddler on baby food. 
It's much easier to grab a spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter, since there is 
nothing handy to put it on. 
(Oh, and gelato or frozen yogurt by the spoonful...
 to help make me feel a little decadent and human.)

3. Eating less

Granted, I am eating less calories and ultimately less food, because I'm not nearly as hungry.

Here's the mantra...
The more gluten carbs in, the more gluten carbs in, the more gluten carbs in...

(A vicious circle that takes drastic measures to break, like jucing greens every morning.)

4.  Unthinkable energy levels

I'm sure my metabolism has changed.  I can feel it. 
The backpack of bricks has been removed from my body and so has 10#, so far.
I sleep better and wake refreshed.  I can do more hard work with less exertion.
I feel healthier without that bloated feeling and look thinner. 
Nothing bad about that!

For me, this had been a good decision.
There are benefits for my health.


No judgment if it's not for you.
You can eat your crackers in peace.


  1. Replies
    1. That was the hardest part for about 2 weeks...but I found one angel hair pasta that is made from brown rice that I like and there's a corn pasta, I've been told, that tastes great. The great bloating or other side effects from wheat!
