Thursday, July 4, 2013

Celebrate the independence of food choice...

Happy 4th!

Who doesn't love fireworks and hot dogs, flags and hamburgers, or the freedom to make healthy choices?

I remember the days when there were locally grown vegetables in the grocery store and depending on the season, you could only buy what was growing.  If it came from California, it was considered too 
expensive and extravagant to buy.  Who needs perfect pears in the middle of winter?  Ours were always canned from our own pear trees, if we had any when the snowflakes blew in.
{Except for pomegranates...we had to have those at Christmas!}

Today, things are different.  You can get any fruit or vegetable you want in any season of the year grown from around the world.  Along with that, you might find yourself the recipient of an unhealthy dose of Ecoli or Hepatitis A, from unsanitary growing conditions or lacking food safety practices.  Look at the strawberry containers piled high in the grocery store.  They are packed with dosed up mega strawberries,  completely tasteless, pesticide ridden and full of chemicals.  They don't even spoil if left out!  

Now is the time for independence...the time to once again buy real locally grown produce, meat, eggs.
The trend to "know your farmer" is for a good reason.  You need to know who is touching your food, what they are using in their farm practices, like pesticides and herbicides or if they are all natural and organic.   And, don't assume that everything you see at the farmer's market is grown locally or free of pesticides.  Most are not.  Many "farmers" will take their little truck to the state farmer's market, and fill it up with produce trucked in from somewhere else, grown by who knows whom.  Then they take it to the local farmer's market and resale.  It is time to start asking the questions, "Did you grow this? Do you use pesticides or herbicides?  Is your produce GMO free?"  

Don't settle...claim your independence and insist on locally grown organics for your family.

Let freedom ring.

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