Monday, August 20, 2012

It is Muscadine time in SC!

Beautifully ripe Muscadines fresh for the market.  I am not really sure how many varieties I best guess is 7 or 8 but am reading that there are many, many more out there.  These are so sweet it's hard to stop eating them right off the vine!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The colors of figs

Until I moved to SC, I had only ever eaten a fig dried at Christmas.  Now that I have my farm, I have 5 fig trees and am learning the art of picking and eating them fresh.  One thing is for sure, they are highly prized at the local farmer's market I sell at every Saturday!  I noticed that there were some fig trees for sale last week for $5 each so, I acquired a few more, making a total of 11.  I tried to plant them where I can offer irrigation on the east side of my farm, slightly protected by other trees.  That was some advice I was given so I hope I can keep them growing.  I'd love to have enough to dry so Christmastime next year will be a little more special.  If you have never bought fresh figs, you really need to.  They are worth it!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My farm. A real ol' southern beauty...c.1869

A thing of beauty should be shared.  The architecture of my little southern palace is remarkable and I am told it resembles "Little River" style.  Not sure what that means other than the long and wide central foyer has all the rooms coming off it.  You can get a running start at the far end and be at full speed by the time you reach the front door.  It's true!  See for yourself!  Note: when painting 12" tall walls, get extra paint. 
My fall project... to paint ALL the shutters teal blue.  My least favorite thing to do, but gives the most drastic change, ever!

Magnolia wreaths for all...

November 3rd is the Pecan Festival in Florence, SC.  I will be there with my pecans, I hope!  This is my first year here and I have 6-8 producing pecan trees that should start dropping them Oct-Nov.  But, most importantly, I will be there with my magnolia wreaths, and grapevine wreaths, both of which I have more than enough to supply the whole town!  I love to plan and scheme and plan some more, and can't wait to think of some simple, yet elegant designs. 
More to come later!