"You need chickens on your farm.
It will be so much fun and think of all the free fresh eggs!"
This is me having a argument conversation with myself.
...after I had already decided that paying $4.00 a dozen for
organic free range eggs was a deal.
organic free range eggs was a deal.
Too bad I didn't take my own advice.
I'm learning it will cost me an arm, a drumstick,
and then some,
to literally start from scratch.
and then some,
to literally start from scratch.
Chicken scratch.
According to my calculations, I will break even sometime in the year of 2042.
(My mortgage doesn't have that longevity, and I may not, either.)
Our six chicks are ready to call Le Farm their "maison de retraite" this week.
They can't be any bigger than a large frog, but in order to raise them organically
and adequately protected from varmints, it will cost you.
We started with chicks so they would be brought up sweet,
and used to every two or four-legged creature.
(Visions of Tippi Hedren with her eyes plucked out gives me nightmares.)
And, they already have French names;
Genevieve, Margueritte, Bridgette, Juliette, Claudette and Yevette.
Will it all be worth it?
Maybe not,
but now Le Farm will seem incomplete without
our six French hens,
an antique egg basket,
a fleur-de-lis weathervane on top of the chicken coop,
and a partridge in my pear tree.
Ce la vie!
They can't be any bigger than a large frog, but in order to raise them organically
and adequately protected from varmints, it will cost you.
We started with chicks so they would be brought up sweet,
and used to every two or four-legged creature.
(Visions of Tippi Hedren with her eyes plucked out gives me nightmares.)
And, they already have French names;
Genevieve, Margueritte, Bridgette, Juliette, Claudette and Yevette.
Will it all be worth it?
Maybe not,
but now Le Farm will seem incomplete without
our six French hens,
an antique egg basket,
a fleur-de-lis weathervane on top of the chicken coop,
and a partridge in my pear tree.
Ce la vie!