A few months ago I told you a not so sweet bedtime story.
It was far removed from one of those endearing,
"And, they all lived happily ever after" snow jobs.
"And, they all lived happily ever after" snow jobs.
Tom Hanks wasn't in it and no one was having what Meg Ryan was having...
So, you don't quite remember it, do you?
Here, let me help you remember the painful beginning:
Here, let me help you remember the painful beginning:
Thanksgiving was such a memorable holiday this year.
It commenced the full week of Misery.
(So very similar to the infamous sledge hammer scene in the movie...<insert scream>)
These heavy cement block steps were pulverized by an 8# sledge hammer and piece-by-bloody piece, I carted them away and threw them in a pile over my fence.
(Did I mention the flesh eating fire ant infestation within?)
It wasn't a pretty story.
Nightmares followed until the bitter end.
(The sledge hammer is an evil and vile invention, btw.)
Just last week, after the snow and ice came and went,
I ended up with the fairy tale ending, after all...
And a welcome mat too sweet to wipe your muddy feet on.
AND, once again,
"They all lived happily ever after..."
(I'll have what she's having.)