Dreaded Day 4
I could wipe out a bakery!
Yes, it has come to this.
Trying to free my body of its dependence on wheat.
Alas, a bad habit and overindulgence is a hard cycle to break. I am so irritated I could slap myself.
I already miss my all-time-go-to comfort food...PASTA!
...need it to comfort me during the withdrawl from no wheat.
...need it to comfort me during the withdrawl from no wheat.
(But on the bright side, I already have a lot more energy and not falling asleep on the road in the afternoons.)
Good decision?
Thank God quinoa (keen-wa)is delicious, even though it is a seed from antiquity, wherever that is.
It reminds me of pasta, sort of? hell no.
(There is a loaf of homemade sweet black bread in the freezer, just in case.)
Don't worry, I'm not completely crazy.
I might quit bread but will never, ever give up wine.
Like Ever.