Wednesday, September 25, 2013

No cookies, or crackers or cake, oh my...

Dreaded Day 4
Screaming about now.
I could wipe out a bakery!
Yes, it has come to this.
Trying to free my body of its dependence on wheat.

Alas, a bad habit and overindulgence is a hard cycle to break.  I am so irritated I could slap myself.
I already miss my all-time-go-to comfort food...PASTA!
...need it to comfort me during the withdrawl from no wheat.

(But on the bright side, I already have a lot more energy and not falling asleep on the road in the afternoons.)
Good decision?
Thank God quinoa (keen-wa)is delicious, even though it is a seed from antiquity, wherever that is.  
It reminds me of pasta, sort of? hell no.

(There is a loaf of homemade sweet black bread in the freezer, just in case.)
Don't worry, I'm not completely crazy.  
I might quit bread but will never, ever give up wine.
Like Ever.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Inspires You? Do tell!

Inspiration is so important in our lives.
Recently, I have revisited the heroic stories from September 11th and became so inspired.
Simply put,

Love never fails.

Although, years later, when I find it hard to grasp the reality of that enormous tragedy, in all the stories and the recounting of loss, there is still hope.

What is it in this beautiful place on earth that inspires you?

What grabs your heart and moves you to action?

Is it something seen?
A movie or a picture?
A song or a speech that is the spark for a flame?
Do you emulate what you love in others lives for yourself?

Imaginativeness is easier for some than others, but even the Masters needed a muse to inspire at times.

I am so curious...
and want to hear from you.

Do tell...what is it that spurs your imagination and creativity and never fails to inspire?
I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments.
Feel free to include all the details on what you're working on now or would love to try.

It may just inspire me...and a few others!

Suzanne @ Le Farm